PlayStation Plus Essential 1 Month KSA Store you Can Buy playstation plus Store KSA and enjoy of having 1 month playing online and 2 free games every month and here in Eogstore we are selling Playstation plus and PSN cards in best prices and instant E-mail Delivery .

PSN PlayStation Store Gift Card KSA 50 USD
3.250.00 EGP

PlayStation Plus Essential 12 Months KSA
4.875.00 EGP
اشتراك بلاى ستيشن بلص شهر سعودى
650.00 EGP
اشتراك بلاى ستيشن بلص شهر سعودى
Playstation Plus is a membership package within the PSN store that can be purchased to access certain features. These features include ensuring that your PSN account has certain discounts on PSN products, such discounts may be offered by the Playstation Network on certain dates. In addition, PSN Plus members enjoy 2 free games each month. Subscription fees vary according to the length of the package you want to purchase. It’s important to know that you need a PSN Plus account to access online multiplayer games
غير متوفر في المخزون
التصنيفات: بطاقات بلاى ستيشن متجر سعودى, أشتراكات بلاى ستيشن بلص سعودى
الوسوم: 1 month ksa, ps plus ksa, بلص شهر سعودى, شهر سعودى
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